Real Talk with Barbara and Nicole
Our podcast is about "Authenticity in a Polarized Society."
We may feel like we can't be authentic about having conversations with some people.
Our beliefs are valid, yet the problem could be that others are not really listening or already have their minds made up about their beliefs. Then the walls go up and we're not engaging or we're just listening to respond. When that happens, it gets in the way of our relationship. If we only talk with people who believe as we do, then we tend to live in an echo chamber.
What we see that could work is finding commonality around something even if we don't agree on something else. It is all about growing the relationship; that is, IF you want to grow it.
We might not be able to share beliefs, but we can share values that may stand for things that we can believe in. If someone can give us a perspective that was thought out and meant a lot to them, we can listen to understand even if we don't agree. Listening matters!
We are Barbara Bray and Nicole Biscotti ready to talk about WHY we want to have REAL TALK with you. We're learning all about authenticity as we talk together and have these conversations with experts on critical conversations around multiple issues.
Listen. Enjoy. Join us at #RealTalkBN
Real Talk with Barbara and Nicole
Episode 1: Introducing Real Talk
Introducing our podcast "REAL TALK"
Let’s talk about why we want to discuss authenticity in a polarized society in the first place. The first question that came to our minds was, "What is authenticity?"
Nicole mentioned being authentic vs being offensive and Barbara mentioned maybe it was being an authentic person vs an authentic perspective. They talked about what is truth and Nicole found this description:
- An honest person is one who is sincere and truthful. An authentic person is one whose behavior reflects their deep feelings, core values, and inner qualities. Therefore, authenticity includes more than the frank expression of what comes to mind. Source (Arash Emamzadeh, Psychology Today)
So many questions came out of this intro to our podcast:
- How invested or “stuck” with the person are you? (your motivation)
- Think about this: What another person thinks of you is none of your business.
- Can’t change them, it’s usually more of a reflection of them
- So if you are invested and don’t agree, how do you have authentic dialogue?
Make sure you keep listening and share this podcast with your friends. We'd love to hear from you about your own perspective of authenticity. #RealTalkBN